What is Section 8 Housing In Texas?
Housing affordability has become a major challenge in Texas and throughout the country. The Section 8 housing and rental assistance program is officially known as the Housing Choice Voucher Program, but most tenants, landlords, investors, and even regulators refer to the HCV program as section 8 housing.
The large Federal government funded rental assistance program is administered by the US Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for providing financial support and rental assistance to the elderly, disabled and low income families in Texas and throughout the country. The framework of the section 8 housing program focuses on the private housing market to provide housing solutions to section 8 voucher holders.
Rental Assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program
The federal funding and support for the Housing Choice Voucher Program comes at an economic juncture in the US housing market when the cost of buying a home has spiked significantly in many cities and regions, while personal incomes to pay for mortgages or for rent have not kept pace. This makes it difficult, especially for young families and especially first-time home buyers and those with lower incomes, to not only achieve the dream of homeownership, but to simply put a roof over their families’ head.
Even renting isn’t easy, for rent homes have also become more expensive. Since it’s so hard to buy houses in Texas and this is nearly a blanket statement from Fort Worth to Austin TX to Houston TX to Dallas Texas, more people are renting instead hoping for lower housing prices in the future. In turn, this makes the competition for apartments and houses for rent even fiercer. This drives up the for rent housing market, leaving many families struggling to simply pay the rent and find a place to live, along with other important things like food and bills. It’s like trying to fill up a whole shopping cart with only a few dollars!
Affordable Housing Challenges
The section 8 housing program offers unique support during pressing housing affordability times as the issue is not just a problem for individual Texans and families, it also impacts the Texas economy and communities as a whole. When affordable housing in Texas becomes unattainable, it can limit opportunities for people to save, invest in their future, and contribute to their local economies and neighborhoods. Families suffer and so does the Texas economy.

We believe that our team at Bright Bid Homes offers a truly personal and insightful perspective on the Section 8 housing program in Texas as we have on the ground experience in the housing choice voucher program. We have experience through the acquisition, renovation, leasing, vetting of potential tenants, and property management over 400 HCV properties since 2016.
We know and understand the specific costs associated with investing in section 8 housing properties (yes, it’s different from a property management perspective), but we also intimately know how much need and help it can provide to a family that has very limited choices.
This comprehensive guide on Section 8 housing in Texas aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the Housing Choice Voucher Program in Texas, exploring its benefits, challenges, criticisms, and how it impacts the lives of everybody in Texas.
From eligibility criteria to how to apply for section 8 in Texas, from navigating waiting lists to understanding tenant rights and responsibilities, this summary offers a thorough examination of this vital affordable housing assistance program.

Understanding the Housing Choice Voucher Program
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, named after Section 8 of the Housing Act of 1937, was established by the federal government to provide affordable housing assistance to low income families, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.
The program, administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), aims to help eligible participants find affordable housing that is safe, clean and functional in the private housing market. The important distinction to note and what causes confusion in the general public perception of section 8 vouchers is that it is based on the private real estate and housing market. The public housing projects of the 1970’s that created a bloated bureaucratic morass and low quality housing is not the framework of the current section 8 HCV program.
In Texas, as in other states, the HCV homes program is managed by local Public Housing Agencies (PHA) that receive federal funds from HUD to administer the housing vouchers. These PHAs play a crucial role in implementing the affordable housing program at the local level, adapting it to meet the specific needs and challenges of their local neighborhoods and communities.

How Does Section 8 Work?
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program operates on a simple yet effective principle: providing financial housing assistance to eligible participants to help them access affordable housing in the private rental market. In our view and experience, we find the Section 8 housing program to be a unique and efficient setup to leverage the power of a public-private partnership. This framework incentivizes the private sector through guaranteed voucher payments by the Federal government to provide quality and affordable housing assistance to those most in need. The management of the property is done privately and not by any federal agency like the historical public housing projects.
Here’s a breakdown of how the Section 8 program functions:
- Voucher Allocation: Eligible participants receive a housing voucher from their local PHA.
- Housing Search: A voucher holder is responsible for finding suitable housing in the private rental market that meets the Section 8 program requirements.
- Rent Subsidy: The PHA pays a portion of the rent directly to the landlord on behalf of the participating family.
- Tenant Contribution: The family pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.
- Choice and Mobility: Participants can choose any housing that meets the program requirements, including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments.

Section 8 Application
To qualify for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in Texas, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria set by HUD gov and local PHAs. These criteria typically include:
- Income Limits. The primary eligibility factor is personal income. HUD homes are based on set income limits based on the median income for the county or metropolitan statistical area (MSA) where the PHA is located. In Texas, these limits vary by region due to differences in cost of living, rental market rates, and local economic factors. Generally, to be eligible to apply for section 8 rental assistance, personal income may not exceed 50% of the median income for the county or metropolitan area. However, PHAs are required to provide 75% of their vouchers to applicants whose incomes do not exceed 30% of the area median income.
- Citizenship and Immigration Status. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or have eligible immigration status. Eligible immigrants include permanent residents, asylees, refugees, and certain other categories defined by HUD.
- Family Status. The program is open to families, which HUD gov defines broadly. This can include:
- A single person who is elderly (seniors that are 62 or older), disabled, displaced, or any other single person
- A group of persons residing together, related by blood, marriage, adoption, or other statue of law
- Two or more persons who are not related but live together in a stable relationship and share resources such as expenses and care.
- Criminal Background. Case workers conduct criminal background checks on all adult household members. While having a criminal record doesn’t automatically disqualify an applicant, certain criminal activities, especially drug-related offenses and violent crimes, may result in being denied any rental unit assistance.
- Eviction History. Applicants who have been evicted from federally assisted housing in the past five years due to drug-related criminal activity may be denied assistance for a rental unit, although assigned case workers have some discretion for unique situations.
- Other Criteria. The local PHAs may have additional eligibility criteria based on local needs and priorities. These might include preferences for local residents, working families, or those experiencing extreme hardship such as homelessness or domestic abuse.
- Required Documentation. When applying for Section 8 Housing Vouchers in Texas, applicants need to provide various official identification documents to prove their eligibility. These typically include:
- Proof of income (income pay stubs, Federal tax returns, Social Security statements)
- Identification documents for all family members (birth certificates, Social Security cards)
- Proof of citizenship or eligible immigration status
- Rental history
- Bank statements
- Medical expenses (for elderly or disabled applicants)
- Disability status documentation (from qualified medical professionals)

How Do I Apply For Section 8?
The application process for Section 8 Housing Vouchers in Texas involves several steps:
- Locate the Local Housing Authority. Applicants must first identify and contact the PHA serving their area. Texas has numerous PHAs, including large ones in major cities like the Houston Housing Authority, Dallas Housing Authority, and San Antonio Housing Authority, as well as smaller agencies serving rural areas.
- Check Waiting List Status. Many PHAs in Texas have long waiting lists and may not always be accepting new applications. Prospective applicants should check with their local PHA to see if the waiting list is open.
- Submit Pre-Application. When the waiting list is open, applicants typically start by submitting a pre-application. This can often be done online, by mail, or in person at the PHA office.
- Waiting Period. After submitting the pre-application, applicants are placed on a waiting list. The length of this wait can vary significantly, from several months to several years, depending on factors like funding availability, local housing market conditions, and the number of applicants.
- Formal Application and Interview. When an applicant reaches the top of the waiting list, they will be contacted by the PHA to complete a formal application and attend an eligibility interview. During this process, applicants must provide all required documentation to prove their eligibility.
- Eligibility Determination. The PHA reviews the application and supporting documents to determine if the applicant meets all eligibility criteria.
- Voucher Issuance. If found eligible, the applicant is issued a housing voucher and can begin searching for suitable housing.

Is There a Section 8 Waiting List?
Unfortunately, yes there is quite a long section 8 waiting list. To find low income housing with no waiting list is very difficult.
The section 8 waiting list for vouchers in Texas can be long and complex, and try the patience of most. According to the Dallas based D Magazine, the housing voucher waiting list can be up to two years with some housing authority waiting lists not even open to accepting applications
The can even become dangerous as shown in this YouTube video from over a decade ago at the Dallas Housing Authority where a near stampede of voucher applicants stormed the DHA office in hopes of getting a coveted housing voucher.
Rental Assistance For Low Income Families In Texas
Here are some insider tips and pointers to manage the section 8 waiting list:
- Priority categories: Case workers often give priority to certain groups, such as families with children, elderly individuals, applicants with disabilities, and military veterans.
- Updated Personal Information: Be sure to keep contact information up to date with the PHA like if your current home address or cell phone number changed . Failure to respond to case worker contact can result in removal from the voucher holder waiting list.
- Local Preferences: PHAs may have local preferences that affect an applicant’s position on the waiting list. These could include preferences for residents of the PHA’s jurisdiction, working families, or those facing homelessness.
- Multiple Waiting Lists: Applicants can typically be on multiple PHA waiting lists simultaneously, which can increase their chances of receiving assistance.

Public Housing Authority Near Me
HUD provides the funding to Texas cities and communities through local public housing authorities which manage the section 8 voucher program.
If you are looking for a section 8 application, our recommendation through experience leasing and managing over 400 houses that accepted housing vouchers is to apply for the section 8 voucher at the biggest and thereby best financially funded sources. The highest funded housing authorities will be able to disperse the most housing vouchers.
Section 8 Housing List
These big public housing authority websites and online information are:
- Houston TX: largest public housing authority in Texas at Houston Housing Voucher
- Dallas TX: website Dallas Housing Solutions (DHA)
- San Antonio TX: access online at Opportunity Home San Antonio
- Fort Worth TX: application information for Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS)
- Corpus Christi TX: application info for Corpus Christi Housing Authority
- Austin TX: housing voucher application info at Housing Authority of the City of Austin
And more local to our area in the Dallas Fort Worth area, here are the next biggest public housing authority websites local to the DFW region:
- Arlington TX: one of the largest in DFW at Arlington Housing Authority
- Plano TX: located in Collin county at Plano Housing Authority
- Garland TX: online at Garland Housing Agency
- Mesquite TX: managed at their Mesquite housing division website
- Seccion 8 en Texas: Most PHA offices will offer or have Spanish speaking case workers to assist with language issues.
- Frisco TX: view waiting list at Frisco Housing Authority website
- McKinney TX: online info at McKinney Housing Authority
- Tarrant County: not affiliated with Fort Worth and FWHS, this is a separate housing authority at Tarrant County Housing Assistance
- Dallas County: different PHA than DHA online at Dallas County Housing Programs

Houses That Accept Section 8
Once an applicant successfully receives a housing voucher in hand, the clock starts ticking as they must find houses that accept section 8 within a specific window of time (usually 60 days, with the possibility of extensions) or possibly lose their voucher.
This process to find houses that accept section 8 vouchers often involves:
- Understanding Voucher Terms: Familiarizing oneself with the voucher’s terms, including the unit size (i.e. 1 or 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, 4 bedroom, etc) allowed and the maximum and fair market rent the voucher will cover.
- Searching for Housing: Looking for available section 8 houses for rent that accept vouchers is a challenge. This can be done through online listings, local newspapers, real estate agents, from friends, or by directly contacting landlords. We suggest the online website method using affordablehousing.com which was formerly the well known website Go Section 8 (gosection8.com). Using an online search platform is quicker and allows for a broader search.
- Unit Approval: Once a suitable apartment or house is found, the PHA must approve it. This process involves ensuring the fair market rent standards meet the internal criteria set by the public housing authority standards. The house or apartment must also meet the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) set by HUD.
- Lease Signing: After PHA approval, the tenant can sign a lease with the landlord. The case worker will then enter into a contract with the landlord to pay the portion of the subsidized rent.

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
Participants in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program have both rights and responsibilities:
Tenant Rights:
- Fair housing and non-discrimination
- Clean, safe, and functional affordable housing that meets HQS
- Reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities
- Privacy and confidentiality of personal information
- Right to request an informal hearing for certain PHA decisions
- Providing accurate and complete information to the PHA
- Reporting changes in income or family composition
- Allowing the PHA to inspect the unit annually
- Complying with the lease and program requirements
- Paying rent on time and maintaining the unit in good condition

How To Invest In Section 8 Housing?
Landlord participation is crucial to the success of the Section 8 program. In Texas, efforts have been made to encourage landlord participation:
- Incentives: Some PHAs offer incentives to landlords, such as signing bonuses or damage mitigation funds.
- Education: PHAs often provide education and support to landlords to help them understand the program and its benefits.
- Streamlined Processes: Efforts to simplify paperwork and expedite inspections can make the program more attractive to landlords.
HCV Challenges and Opportunities
While the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides vital assistance to many Texans, it faces several challenges:
- Limited Funding: The demand for vouchers often far exceeds the available funding, resulting in long waiting lists.
- Housing Availability: In some areas, particularly high-cost urban centers, it can be challenging to find landlords willing to accept vouchers or units that meet both the program’s rent limits and quality standards.
- Stigma: Some landlords and communities may have negative perceptions of the Section 8 program, leading to discrimination against voucher holders.
- Administrative Burdens: Both tenants and landlords may find problems with the program’s requirements and paperwork burdensome.
Despite these challenges, there are also opportunities for improvement and expansion:
- Source of Income Protection: Some Texas cities have passed ordinances prohibiting discrimination against tenants based on their source of income, including housing vouchers.
- Technology Integration: Increased use of online platforms for applications, inspection, and landlord-PHA communication can streamline processes.
- Partnerships: Collaborations between PHAs, non-profit organizations, and private market developers can increase the availability of affordable housing options for voucher holders.
- Education and Outreach: Expanded efforts to educate landlords and the public about the benefits of the program can help reduce stigma and increase participation.
Impact on Texas Housing Market and Local Communities
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program has a significant impact on Texas communities:
- Economic Stability: By reducing the rent burden on low-income families, the program allows them to allocate more resources to other essential needs, potentially reducing reliance on other forms of public assistance.
- Housing Market Stability: The program provides a reliable and consistent source of rental income for property owners, which can be particularly valuable during economic downturns or recessions.
- Community: Unlike traditional public housing projects, the affordable housing voucher program allows participants to choose housing in a diverse neighborhood, potentially leading to better economic and personal opportunities.
- Health and Education: The HCV and affordable housing programs have been linked to improved health and education standards for children.
- Homelessness Prevention: By providing rental assistance programs, the community is proactively working to prevent homelessness among exposed and in need groups.

Future Outlook: Rental Assistance Programs
The future of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in Texas will likely be shaped by several factors:
- Funding Levels: The program’s reach and effectiveness are heavily dependent on federal funding allocations.
- Housing Market Trends: Changes in the Texas housing market, including rising rents in urban areas like Dallas, will impact the program’s ability to serve low-income families.
- Policy Changes: Both federal and state-level policy changes could affect how the program operates in Texas.
- Technological Advancements: Continued integration of technology could streamline program administration and improve user experience for both tenants and landlords.
- Economic Factors: The overall economic health of the state and nation will influence both the demand for housing assistance programs and the financial and operational resources allocated to meet that need.
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program plays a front line role in tackling the challenges of a crisis of affordable housing and the general shortage of housing units of an estimated 4.3 million according to Zillow.
These challenges are a long-term issue for not only low-income Texans but for the community at large. By providing rental assistance programs, a safety net of safe and functional housing is provided for thousands of Texas families across the whole state as described in this HUD homes and length of stay report. While the program faces challenges, including limited funding and long waiting lists, its positive impact on individuals, families, and communities is undeniable.
As Texas continues to grow and evolve, the importance of programs like Section 8 in ensuring housing stability and promoting economic mobility cannot be overstated. By understanding the specifics of the rental assistance program, all residents – including government policymakers, housing authorities, private property owners, and potential voucher holders can work together to maximize its effectiveness and reach.
The success of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in Texas represents more than just numbers on a spreadsheet; it represents families finding stability, children gaining access to better schools, and communities becoming more diverse and inclusive. As the program moves forward, continued attention, innovation, and commitment from all sectors will be paramount in ensuring that it continues to serve as a cornerstone of affordable housing policy in Texas.

Frequently Asked Questions About Section 8.
How much do you pay for rent on Section 8 in Texas?
Your family is required to pay 30% of its monthly adjusted gross income toward rent and utilities. If the rent exceeds the payment standard, your family must cover the additional cost.
Do landlords have to accept Section 8 in Texas?
Federal law does not require landlords to accept Section 8 tenants. Local regulations may vary, so it’s essential to check the rules in your specific area.
Do HOAs have to accept Section 8 in Texas?
While a Texas HOA cannot discriminate against Section 8 renters, there is no federal mandate requiring a HOA to accept Section 8 tenants. Reviewing local policies is advisable for more specific guidelines. For example, the homeowners association in Providence Village near Denton TX grabbed national headlines when a local homeowners association attempted to ban any recipients of housing vouchers from taking residence within the community. It created an immediate compliant for discriminating and violating the Fair Housing Act.
What is the most rent Section 8 will pay?
Typically, the local housing authority, funded by HUD, pays about 70% of a tenant’s rent, with the tenant covering the remaining 30%. The maximum rent a Section 8 landlord can charge is usually determined by Fair Market Rents.
What qualifies as low income in Texas?
Low-income households are those earning less than 80% of the area’s median income. For instance, in Tarrant County, a family of four making less than $78,160 per year is considered low income.
How do you qualify for HUD housing in Texas?
PHAs use income limits set by HUD, with lower income limits at 80% and very low-income limits at 50% of the median income for the area. These limits vary by location, meaning eligibility may differ between PHAs.
What does HUD revitalizes housing voucher program mean?
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) updated its Housing Voucher Program to make it more efficient and helpful. This change, part of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), will help housing providers create and maintain affordable housing. The updates focus on the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Project Based Voucher (PBV) programs, making it easier for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to support low-income families. New rules allow PHAs to tie rental assistance to specific units, pair assistance with manufactured housing, and set up local waiting lists to help families move in faster. These changes aim to quickly increase the amount of affordable housing and ensure families can find safe, decent homes more easily.
What can cause you to lose your section 8 voucher?
There are several reasons someone might lose their Section 8 housing voucher. One reason is if their income goes up and they no longer qualify as low-income. Engaging in illegal activities, especially drug-related crimes or violent behavior, can also lead to losing the voucher. Providing false information on the application, not reporting changes in income or family size, or consistently breaking the lease agreement, like not paying rent or causing significant damage to the property, can also result in losing the voucher.
Other reasons include not following the rules set by the Public Housing Agency (PHA), such as missing appointments, not providing required paperwork, or not allowing inspections. Making unauthorized changes to the household, like adding new members without approval or subletting the property, can also cause the voucher to be taken away. If you don’t use the voucher within a certain time frame or if you’re absent from the unit for an extended period without telling the PHA, you can lose the voucher. It’s important to understand and follow these rules to keep your Section 8 housing assistance.

*Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal, financial, or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with a qualified housing professional, legal advisor, or financial expert for advice tailored to their specific situation.